
Memorial Day Weekend 2016

Every year we have a fun, super full weekend at the Lake house over Memorial Day, and every year, I don't get around to posting any of it until a month later.  Haha.  For convenience sake, I'll back date it to May, but I think it is safe to say that our summer may be even busier than our "school" year.  So, I'll just let these pictures filled with people I love a lot do most of the talking. Hint:  there was a boat, a slip-n-slide, snow cones, and sparklers. 

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

I know some little people who were awfully excited to see MarMar and PapPap. We got there Friday night (the Sweetens came on Saturday), and I think they enjoyed their monopoly on the grandparents. 

Though I got to meet McCoy back in March, my family hadn't seen him yet. It may have been a good thing that he got to bake for another two months before these girls got their hands on him. :)


After the Sweetens arrived and we all got our McCoy fix, we spent the rest of Saturday out on the lake. 

Since Sam started call on Monday (boo. reall big BOO!), we did our traditional Memorial Day cookout on Sunday, but first the guys golfed and the girls did some hair. Naturally. 



Clearly, Harper was very pleased with Leah's not-just-a-boy-mom beauty skills. 

Everyone thought we were out there grilling out and slip-n-slide-ing to celebrate freedom and family, but really it may have been this. The unprecedented. 

After fifteen years of playing Dutch Blitz, Mom pulled out a rare victory. Haha!  We kid, we kid, Mama. 


The annual picture is getting harder and harder to take, the older the kids gets an the more babies we add. 

This is what the majority of the 28 pictures I took look like: 

Since we had to be back in Roanoke by Monday morning, but wanted to maximize our time at the Lake House, we left around 10:30 pm on Sunday evening. It made for a miserable (though quiet) ride home after such a big weekend, but it was nice sleep in and be local on the Holiday. We took the opportunity to go to the river with the girls and explain a bit more to them why Memorial Day is set aside as a day of remembrance. 

Even if all they may have heard was, "Don't hurt the ducks!"  :)

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