
Goodbye, Kindergarten!


For months and months, I knew I'd be emotional when it came time for Harper's first day of school.  Well, really, I wasn't so bad on the actual first day of school, it was more the evening before.  But, it took me by surprise when I started to get teary-eyed last night while laying Harper's things out for today, her last day of school.  Why oh why didn't you moms warn me of that?  Roanoke County doesn't do Kindergarten graduations, so there was no program for me to ceremoniously cry at the growing up of my baby, so I guess instead, that realization hit me while gathering up shoes and pulling out the "Class of 2028" tshirt I bought at the beginning of the year.

I'm not sad this school year is over.  To be honest, I'm looking forward to letting the girls stay up longer and sleep in later, and I won't mind a bit if I don't pack another lunch for the next two months.  But, my word this year has sailed by.  And thinking about that is what got me.  Holy cow, this year went by so quickly.  And I've only got twelve more with her here.  Ugh.  Tears, tears, tears.  I ordered the 2028 t-shirt in the hopes that I could take a picture of her in it each year until she is actually a senior year, standing there as part of the Class of 2028.  Though Sam and I have already placed bets that I will lose it by the time she's in third grade.  Ha!  Probably so, but the sentiment is there. 

And of course, there's the mandatory, internal conversation of "I hope I'm doing ok."  "I hope I'm not messing her up."  "I hope she's going to turn out all right."  Shew, this mommy-ing is deep.


Our goal for this year was for Harper to have a positive perception of school and enjoy learning, and we have certainly met that.  Mrs. Campbell created a warm, fun, calm environment even in a sea of spirited five- and  six-year-olds, and she was a perfect fit for Harper's first year.  Her grade card came home with her (along with her attendance and Amazing Artist awards), and she got all S's in her last nine weeks and all S's for the year.  Go, Harper!   

I can't believe how much she's grown.  I am SO PROUD of your effort this year, Big Love.  You did great. 

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