We went through Hardee's for a quick Diet Coke (for me) and a biscuit (for Wills), and we drove to the next town over, Sunset Beach for a little breakfast picnic. When I went over the bridge, I could see a parking area for the Pier, so we went walking on the beach together. Willa has been feeding the ducks at the Duck Pond in Salem with Rachel, Granny, and Mimi at home, so when she saw the birds, she kept saying "duh," and trying to throw her biscuit to them. Well, next thing you know, a flock of birds comes flying in, and I'm pretty sure one started trying to be a little aggressive. Even making eye contact. And staring at the biscuit in Willa Kate's hand while moving closer. The mom in me could picture us being pecked to death, so I panicked and threw the rest of the biscuit, still in its wrapper, to those happier-than-ever birds.

Oh, how I wish I could have caught how sweet that little girl looked in the morning light with her jammie bottoms rolled up, barefoot on the beach. As much as I wanted to sleep, it was so nice to have the quiet time on a nearly empty beach to soak up her chubby-cheeked little smiles without big sister (and her big personality) to share the time and attention.

We spent the day between the pool and the beach, and went out to dinner at Sharky's. On our way in on Saturday, we passed a few people gathered around a giant turtle (think a 200 lb. beast with kids riding it). Harper was so disappointed to miss it, since we were on our way to the house for the first time, but we were thrilled to see that he was back on our way over to the restaurant. The wait at Sharky's was about an hour, so we packed back up to wait it out in the company of the turtle.
Our Harper girl is such a Dr. Dolittle. Her little heart beats fast for animals, and her face did not disappoint when we got to see the giant turtle. She may be wild, but her reactions are priceless, always filled with wonder. She was so excited to kiss Gerald the Turtle and ride on his back. There are times I think there is not a bit of fear in her body.
But, oh tender-hearted, cautious Willa Kate. Not a fan. While we couldn't pull Harper away from "Gerry" even long enough for others to take pictures of their children without a random four-year-old girl photobombing them, our sweet Wills activated panic face as soon as she figured out we were putting her on his back. It was hilarious. (Am I allowed to say that?) Harper kissing sissy, and her having a meltdown. Thank you, Lord, for these sweet memories.

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