Hi! As you probably know if you're here, we are the Fertitta family (pronounced "fur-tee-tuh." You're welcome.) Sam and I met at
Bluefield College, where he was an All-American baseball player majoring in Criminal Justice, and I was a volleyball playing RA majoring in Business Management. We met courtesy of my business project partner, and after two and a half years of dating, we got married in October of 2006. Now, we are the lucky parents of our strong-willed preschooler Harper (5), and our sweet-as-pie toddler Willa Kate (2). Sam works for Appalachian Power Hydro, and I work full time as a sales representative for Pfizer. Our life certainly isn't perfect, but it's busy, funny, and filled with memories. Thanks for joining us as I attempt to chronicle the chaos and the ordinary.
Why did I start a blog? Good question. I can tell you it's
not because my house or crafts or life looks like Pinterest. They don't. And despite my efforts, they probably never will. I sometimes wonder why I'm bothering to post about these seemingly mundane things (swim lessons, Cheerio eating, crying in the car...). But,
here's the answer.
Ocean Isle Beach, July 2014 |
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