In true second child fashion, I am writing this almost a week late. Be glad you even have this to read, sweet Willa! Somehow the wonderful addition of you into our lives has made the world turn even faster, and just as I think that "blink of an eye" in which you girls are growing could not go any faster, it does. Another six months comes and goes.
Can I tell you, precious 18-month-old Wills, what my favorite things are about you (and oh, there are many)?
You have so much sweetness in you, it is now oozing out in these amazing tight-lipped, chin-jutted-out, hands-wrapped-around-my-face kisses. There is nothing those kisses couldn't fix. You've been my more guarded girl, so it is pure heaven to get your absolutely genuine affection. Pure heaven.
When I ask you your name, you pound your little finger into your chest and declare, "Ilwaaaaa!" I know as you're reading this it makes you smile--know it does that to me, too. I'm amazed at how smart you are and how your vocabulary is exploding. You can say everyone in our family's names, but my favorite is hearing you call for "Tissy" (Willa-nese for sissy). You also like to say up, bite, more, "dink," lap, "ah-wer" (water), and puppy. Such a smart girl.
You can go up and down the stairs on your own, which is no wonder since you are tall and strong (90th percentile for both height and weight. Let the no-looking-like-Mom streak continue!). You looooove to brush all eight (6 on top, 2 on bottom) of your teeth (MarMar is squealing in delight, I'm sure), and eat and sleep without any argument. You think any cell phone pointed in your direction is trying to take your picture, so you're happy to offer up a crinkled-nose "cheeeeese!"
As much as your 18-month-old self will hate to find this out, "bobby" (your bottle) is on its way out. You can drink out of a regular cup, a water bottle, or a sippy cup, but do still love a bobby once or twice a day. You probably would have given it up months ago had I initiated it, but I just haven't wanted to. You seem so grown up in so many ways. I love holding you, bottle in tow. It has helped me eek out a few more memories of those sweet baby months.
You will never know just how perfect we think you are (aside from your one major flaw, which is your recent tipping toward being a Daddy's Girl. Oh break my heart.)
You are a true delight to raise and love. As I've known since you were just a little peanut in my belly,
"I belong with you, you belong with me. You're my sweetheart. I belong with you, you belong with me. You are my Sweet."
-- The Lumineers

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