Though the girls had been celebrating all week, they were still so excited when Halloween finally rolled around. We had big plans to head downtown for a kids' Monster Bash in City Market, and then go to FCC's Salem campus for Trunk or Treat. But, after a week of b-e-a-utiful, unseasonably warm weather, it started raining and cooling down as soon as we got in the car to leave the house. BOO!
Kit Keller, Betty Spaghetti, Dottie Hinson, and Coach Jimmy Dugan |
The girls with their "ball bucket" trick or treat 'bags' |
Sam's family wanted to get some pictures of all the grandkids together in their Halloween costumes, since it is baby Alston's first Halloween, and we had yet to get a picture of all five of the kiddos (it still feels so strange to type five instead of four!), so we drove over and met everyone at Corrie and Jeremy's house.
Willa (1.5), Sydney (4), Alston (3 weeks), Samantha (almost 12), Harper (4.5) |
Sue and Dave with their five grandchildren |
Grandmother with her Great Grandchildren
We got to Trick or Treat in the rain to a few houses on Corrie and Jeremy's, and then went over to FCC, expecting there to be some indoor activities like in years past. Nope. We were so disappointed! We heard that Lakeside Baptist, a church not far from Sam's family's church and where Easton attends after school care, was hosting an indoor family fun fest. It was so nice to find somewhere warm and dry!
Lakeside had a bouncy house, games, a cake walk, and costume contest. Sam's family all came and we met up with our friends (the Phillips, Quesenberrys, and Goncalveses), so we spent about an hour letting the kids run around. The older ones did the bouncy house, and Willa watched with envy. While we were transitioning from that activity to the next, I lost track of her. I thought she was with Sam or Sue, and they thought she was with me. After panicking for a minute, I look over, and sweet girl had taken her shoes off and was trying to climb up into the bouncy castle. :) She loves those things! Maybe it will be warm enough for her to have one at her birthday. Sydney and Harper both won cupcakes during the cake walk, and to wrap up our time there, we entered the kids in the costume contest. Our sweet little "Kit Keller from the Rockford Peaches" won the 2 and under age group! So cute! Harper lost out to the only boy in her group-- the pilot from Top Gun. He was a cutie, so we didn't disagree. She looked just precious in a sea of Elsas and Annas.

Excited about their cupcakes from winning in the Cake Walk! |
"Wait? How come you all got to be Elsa??" |
Cousins having fun on Halloween |
After the festival, all the friends went to eat at Jersey Lilly's together. Since we had such a big group, they gave us a private room, and it was so fun-- my favorite part of the night. Funny how life changes. The highlight of Halloween involves costumed kiddos running around our room in a steakhouse, and us pretending not to see them. ;)

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