Elfie's back. Back again. Elfie's back. Tell a friend.
It's officially Elf on the Shelf season around here, as Elfie made his arrival on the night of December 1st. Yes, I realize most people's elves probably arrived in the morning, but December 1 was a Monday, so a hectic weekday morning was not ideal for his annual debut. So, since it was 70 degrees outside (isn't that craziness? I'll take it.), we let Harper know that he was waiting until it cooled down in the evening to come from the North Pole.
He appeared by the little Christmas tree in Willa Kate's room, with the Elf on the Shelf book and some Elf pajamas for each girl. He said,
"Hello, Harper and Willa, I'm back, it's me!
It's your favorite friend from the North Pole, Elfie!
Here's a little gift, some new jammies,
To wear as you decorate your Christmas tree!"
Poor little Elfie didn't know that our house would be 76 degrees inside when he bought matching fleece footed pajamas for each girl. We won't tell him that we found both girls nearly naked when they woke up sweaty the next morning. Ha!
We did Elf on the Shelf last year with Harper, but Willa Kate only being 9 months old didn't pay much mind to it. This year, she has so excited to go with big sissy each morning to find where "Elf on the Elf" (as Harper calls him) has landed. The idea is that each day, he watches the girls and then leaves every night to report to Santa, only to return before they wake to a new location in the house. You'll see on Pinterest and about every other blog you read, creative ideas for all the messes these little elves make in their downtime each night. They drive cars, do snow angels in flour, have a snowball fight with marshmallows... But, since so many of those things involve messes that I'm essentially making for myself, and since I have two little elves named Harper and Willa who make more messes than I can keep up with, we have opted to keep things simple and have Elfie just reappear in a new location each morning. The girls wake up excited and so it is just fine for their age. Maybe when they're older and need a little more entertainment and convincing from Elfie we'll have a Pinterest board dedicated to what our mischievous Elf can get into. But, don't quote me on that. Ha.
I also got some of our Christmas decorations out, and our tree went up! Since the presents I have wrapped are on top of the hutch in the dining room (so that little hands don't begin unwrapping them already), I put these pretty lighted letters that spell "HOPE" under our tree. And we love it. When Harper came down to see the tree all lit up, she asked what the word spelled and I told her. What a sweet time to get to lay on the hardwood with her in front of our tree, and give her a butchered, rambling explanation of the idea of Hope. But, what a gift to be able to tell her that Hope is why we celebrate Christmas. Having this at the base of our Christmas tree symbolizes the Hope we have in this season and that it truly is the best Gift ever given. Hope for a struggling marriage. Hope for a mom missing her sweet child. Hope for exhausted parents. Hope for families battling addiction. His coming to earth immediately gifted us all with the Hope of Heaven. How sweet a reminder.

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