As I may have mentioned before, we decided to get Harper swim lessons as her "big present" from Santa for Christmas 2013. Y'know, the whole no-more-stuff-in-our-house initiative. She's now to a point where she is self-sufficient in the water, and though we know we've invested a chunk of change into swim lessons, the life skill of swimming is one that will help keep her safe and that she can enjoy for life. She's still in lessons now because she has enjoyed it so much, and she's now learning the more technical aspects of swimming (side breathing, freestyle arms, etc.)
Miss Dayna with Can-Am Aquatics accepts kiddos at age 2 and had a new class starting in April, so we thought it would be a great gift to give Willa Kate, especially with how much we will be at the pool and beach this summer. Too bad Wills didn't think it was such a great idea. Poor thing screamed hysterically for the entire 30 minutes. Harper hated her first lesson and then has loved it from there on out-- let's keep our fingers crossed that Wills is the same!

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