Harper has always been very maternal. She's a little nurturer--unless you're trying to challenge her role as pack leader ;)-- and a great little nurse. And we all know she has plenty of motherly bossiness. When Harper was 19 months old, our dog Katie was hurt really badly. She required a lot of wound cleaning and bandage changes and wasn't very mobile. It brought the caretaker out in my little toddler Harper, and for the first time I saw her empathy for those that are hurting. She'd go and get Katie's food for her, help hold something while I was wrapping her leg. She'd be gentle and soft, so many of the things that aren't really "her" in other scenarios. Now, she's the first one to run to Wills if she trips or falls down, offering to kiss her boo boo or carry her to the car (unless, of course, it was a Harper-related injury. Then "her's fine, mom. Really, her's fine.").
We have always had a few babies around the house, and the girls have enjoyed carrying them around or playing with them periodically. But, about two weeks ago "baby Madison" was born, and that doll has been nearly as much work as a real baby ever since. She's been to the softball field, gym, pool, dinner, and dance recitals. And she's not a low maintenance baby, either.
As I'm cooking dinner...
"Hey mom, here. Baby Madison needs her bottle."
"Just a minute, and I'm happy to help."
"Mom, she's hungry now and she's crying for you. You're her grandmother."
She loves throwing that g-word out there.
As we are leaving for the pool...
"Mom, I gotta go back in! I didn't bring baby Madison's crib, and it's gonna be her nap time at the pool!"
"She can just lay with me on the chair, Harper. Grandmothers love holding their grand babies."
"Sometimes her needs to lay in her own bed, Mom."
So, there we are. The people at the RAC swimming pool with a doll sized pack & play. Complete with a change of doll clothes for after the pool. As if I don't draw enough attention with our crazy real children, I now have the fun of setting up a mini crib by my lounge chair. Hello, grand-parenthood.
I asked Harper if maybe I could just pretend to be baby Madison's aunt, and she looked at me as if I'd asked her if the sky could be green today. She furrowed up her brow and sternly said, "that's not how it works." She's a very literal one. Of course, with the exception of toting around a raggedy doll with no clothes on and only one eye that opens fully.
I've had fun asking Harper questions as part of documenting "who she is" at these recent milestones like turning five and graduating preschool. She hasn't wavered a bit with her answer on what she wants to be when she grows up. A mommy is always her response. I told Sam that I fully intend on taking that as a compliment. :) And though she is wrapped up in her future as a mother, she was kind enough to tell me that I could babysit for her. You know, for when she wants to go out to lunch. Ha!
Any day of the week, sweet girl. Any day of the week.

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