Happy first birthday, Alston Fields Cromer!
What a joy to get to celebrate this not-so-little, happy-go-lucky guy! He really has been the sweetest addition to our herd of girls. 😊
It was a little rainy and cold for October, but Bubby had a great time playing with his friends and cousins and smashing some cake.
After the party, I needed to run in to Kroger to pick up a few things for our dinner with Dad in two hours, and when I came back out, this is what I found.
All three of my luxe totally passed out in the car. That birthday party must have worn them out! Didn't even wake up as I loaded groceries into the car and then back out of the car when we got home. It was nice to be able to cook dinner while they finish their naps and geared up for Papaw to come to their house.
Though we saw him in September for Labor Day, we were all so excited to have him!
And of course, what do you do with little girls if not play beauty shop?
I have so much love for my "girl dads." It takes a special man to shepherd the heart of little women. And to wear fourteen bows at once.

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