I've always known that Harper is a smart little cookie, but I've always worried a bit on how that would translate to school. So many of her strengths are things that may not be readily tested, especially in Kindergarten. She is doing just fine in school, but the realist in me knows that may not mean perfect. I've committed to myself as a mom to be proud of Harper doing whatever is her best. I looooooved school, and school loved me right back. I understand that may not always be the case for Harper, and that's ok so long as we are all giving it our best. I have been oh so eagerly awaiting her first report card and the opportunity to go for our first Parent-Teacher conference.
I'm so proud to say that Harper earned all S scores on her academic work. We have some areas that we need to work on, but she is pacing perfectly. Now, we have some citizenship things to work on (like not needing to color every single thing on the page perfectly before doing the exercise), but Mrs. Campbell assured us that many of those are because she's five. It's tough to focus all day every day, especially when your body is begging to just run and play. I called Sam after my conference to tell him about our discussion. She did a great job on her PALS (phonological awareness literacy screening), and she scored highest in Spelling. I made sure to say she gets it from her Spelling Bee mama. Then I went on to talk about how Mrs. Campbell recommended to craft the enrichment exercises that we do at home into any kind of game, even a simple one, because Harper is very competitive. Sam made sure to mention she gets that from Daddy. :)
I think this girl got the hint that hard work and good performance get rewarded in this family. We went crazy once Dad got home, and decided to go get ice cream to celebrate. As we ordered at Katie's Ice Cream, we made sure to tell our 'sundae artist' that we were here on this Tuesday night because Harper Mae Fertitta received all S's on her report card. Harp then got to choose five toppings, one for each of her "Satisfactory" grades. Let me just tell you that I'm glad I didn't have to eat that cotton candy, chocolate syrup and m&m covered sundae. Yikes, the combination she came up with.
That girl's pride was palpable. This whole school things has added another layer of stress to our busy lives (What needs signed? You need to bring what? I need to volunteer when?), but words can't even explain the sense of pride it brings me to see this girl of mine grow. And it is even more fun to learn things about her from her teacher. Habits that I haven't noticed or characteristics I have never had the opportunity to see. So often this kid-in-school thing feels surreal, but in the best way.

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