It's Christmas Sunday and this little sweet peas are ready to go celebrate His birth! And really, they are super excited to give their Kids' Life teachers they candy covered pretzels they made this morning. Last week Harper spotted a Christmas tree candy mold that fell out of the cabinet while I was cooking dinner. Since then, that child has been a dog on a bone about making them. (I love that FCC offers a second service that doesn't start until 11:00 because it lets our Sunday mornings be leisurely family mornings.) I didn't manage to get a picture of the final product, but they ended up pretty cute considering a 5.5 year old was the chief creator.
It was so warm today that we actually had to worry about them melting on the ride over to church. The chocolate sticking to the little plastic pretzel bags they were wrapped up in should've been the least of my worries considering I think that both girl dropped theirs twice on the way in to church. Nothing says "Merry Christmas, we appreciate you!" like broken, melted chocolate pretzels decorated by a two-year-old. Ha! Haley and Bailey were both sweet to act excited about them, though.
The girls had the prettiest silver Christmas dresses to wear for today (they wore them for their Santa pictures a few weeks ago), but Mama didn't feel like wearing much other than yoga pants on Sunday morning, and they were feeling the same, so who was I to stuff them in glitter tights and tulle. So instead, we ripped the tag off a little sweater dress that I bought at the Gymboree outlet over Thanksgiving because Harper had a little cropped sweater in that pattern already to match.
I don't know that we needed sweaters and boots with this weather (we certainly didn't need a coat!), but it was nice to have a relaxed Christmas Sunday morning to snuggle and "bake" together. Makes me excited for my time off over the holidays to make memories with my girls s'more.

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