You amaze me with your kind heart. When Harper asks nicely if you'll share your toy, you'll always say yes. Every time. Every. Time. Even if it is your favorite toy and you just started playing with it. Even when you only have one of something (like a craft to do or a balloon to hold) and even when your play time is about to be up. Every time you share. It's so tender and selfless. Now, if she walks up and just tries to grab it, you grit those bulldog teeth and let out the shrillest cry you can muster and start swinging with all your might, not caring if you land those mini Mike Tyson punches or not.
School has been so much fun for you because you love to learn and sing. Your teacher Mrs. Collins just adores you. Just a few weeks ago when Kasey picked you up from school, Mrs. Collins warned her, "Just so you know for when you have children, two year olds do not act like this. This is not normal. I've never seen a more well behaved two year old." You are so polite when you're there, and speaking to your teachers. Or really to anyone except for the one person who gave you life. You're happy to save the not-so-polite for me. It's not very often, and it's usually on the cusp of nap or bedtime, but you have brought the tantrums up to war crime level. When we were mailing Bubba a package and printed the postage from the self-service kiosk, you were determined to try to peel off the "sticker" to put on whatever you wanted. Well, I didn't want you to waste the $9.08 stamp we just bought, so I took it from you, and you went from precious to possessed in a nanosecond. I was immediately the "baddest mommy ever" and you proceeded to cry, no scream the entire ride home. It was so ridiculous, I couldn't help but laugh, so I kissed you all over your bright red face and put you in bed. You woke up much happier, telling me that you're glad I still love you, even when you make bad choices. And that I'm the goodest mommy ever. Thank goodness those fits are never long lived.
Every night I tuck you into your bed, rub your back, and sing you a few songs. You learn them so quickly, and your newest favorite is You are My Sunshine. When I get to that one, you will look me right in the eyes and try your best to make your voice match mine. You are so good. And so loved. So good and loved.
A few questions and Willa Kate's three-year-old verbatim answers:
How old are you? fwee
What's your name? 'illa Kate Fertitta
Who's your best friend? You. And Sydney. And Harper. Those are my friends.
What's your favorite thing to do? Play.
What's your favorite song? Jesus Loves Me. And Skies are Great (You are My Sunshine)
What's your favorite color? Purple.
What's your favorite outfit? My Elsa one.
What do you like to do with your family? Kiss them.
What's your favorite show to watch? Paw Patrol and Frozen
What's your favorite book? The princess ones Harper can read.
What makes you happy? When you dub my back.
What makes you sad? Being mean.
Who's your teacher? Miss Collins
Where do you like to go? To the restaurant and on big boats
What's your favorite treat? candy
What was your favorite birthday present? Try to guess. Seriously.

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