She is beyond excited for this big girl journey of hers to begin, but oh my mama heart is torn. As I was packing her lunches for the week in the kitchen after putting her to bed, I just cried and prayed over this Treasure of mine. Sam came in and gave me a hug and asked me what about school had me in tears. And really, there are lots of reasons. I'm terrified of all the things she may be exposed to, some of which we've tried really hard to shelter her from and protect her innocence. I'm afraid of the tell-tale bully but also the how-do-they-start-this-young mean girls. And perhaps I'm even more paranoid about her being one of those. And just the mere idea that my pride and joy will be in school for six and half hours a day, and I will have no clue what she's doing. Are you feeling nervous now, too?
We got lunches packed and outfits laid out for the week, and her backpack all ready to go. She has been so excited that I thought she may have trouble going to sleep, but when I checked in on her about twenty minutes later, she was fast asleep.
I could tell she got a great night's rest, because she hopped right out of bed when I went in to wake her at 7:00 a.m. (Typical wake up for the Fertittas this summer was probably 8:30-9:00. It just worked out better to let them stay up late with us at night, and let them still be sleeping when we left for work in the morning.) She got dressed in her predetermined outfit and asked me to curl her hair with the curling iron like mine. To celebrate her first day of kindergarten, Daddy and I got her some pink roses and a card to wish her well!
I did fine taking our obligatory first day of school pictures after the morning rush. We made it to school on time, and sang along to songs as we waited in the car line. We pull up, and it's Harper's turn to get out and I do not think the girl could get the door open fast enough. She was pulling the handle before we were even stopped. She was so brave! After she hopped out, she turned around to blow me a kiss, and that's when the tears came. She looked oh so tiny walking up the stairs to Clearbrook Elementary (and of course, paranoid mother here thinking, "How can she possibly know where to go?!").
Our goal for this year is simple-- to cultivate in her a love of learning in school and beyond. I want for her to be eager about school and excited about her education. So, cheers to this courageous big girl of mine and to the wonderful school year that lies ahead.

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