Most of Sydney's birthday was spent at the beach as it was our first full day of nice, sunny, hot weather. The Pink Armada (as Sam called them) had a great time playing in the water and burying Uncle Jeremy in the Sam. (Kudos to you, brother-in-law! I want to have a panic attack just thinking about it. And even more kudos since our mother-in-law started feeding some birds our leftover bread while he was buried so we worried he would get a little bird "bath" with no way to defend himself. Haha!). We did go over to the pool at the end of the afternoon to rinse off and play while Sue went back to finish up Sydney's birthday dinner. As Harper was hopping out of Poppy's truck, she was singing a little song she made up ad my favorite lyrics were, "Mommy is my best friend." Oh melt my heart. She can be the most loving little thing. I decided to soak it in, although part of me wanted to go on the "mommy loves you more than anything, but I will always be your mommy even if you don't think of me as a friend..." rant to go ahead and prepare her for her middle school days of a stalking mom of whom she will be embarrassed. ☺️
Sydney ended up falling asleep during dinner, so Sue, Dave, Granny, and Rachel stayed with her and Willa Kate (who went down for bed at 8) while Sam, Corrie, Jeremy, Samantha and I left for Putt Putt. Multiple times before we left, we asked Harper if she was sure she wanted to go. Didn't staying with MiMi sound fun?? But, she convinced us that she was excited to go and up for the round of mini golf. On the ride over, Corrie turned around to see if she had fallen asleep, and she says in her perfect Harpanese language, "I'm never falling asleep forever."
And here she is about two minutes later.

Gone. Dreaming. Dead to the world. All about 5 minutes before we pulled into the parking lot. So, here I am sitting in the parking lot of Treasure Island Mini Golf. Basking in the quiet, and watching my wild one sleep deeply and contentedly in the back of our family car. A little piece of unexpected Heaven.

As we were watching the two kids in front of us take their turn, I look and Sam and can tell we are both thinking the same thing-- this may be a no go. The lady at the ticket line had already mentioned that the ideal weight for kids is between 45-100 pounds (HMF is just under 40), so if it didn't work out well for her, she would refund our ticket. So, as I'm looking at these harnessed kids flying 15 feet in the air, I'm not so worried that we will be wasting our money on an activity our four-year-old will be too afraid to do.

I should've known better.
Hootie Mae walked right up on the big pillow and stood patiently as she was strapped in and given instructions. Next thing you know, she is jumping, swinging, and after our encouragement, trying to do a back flip.

The bravery of that girl will never stop amazing me! And yet it was another reminder of this girl's unwavering spirit. A spirit that I pray every day will stay strong and independent, yet surrendered to The Lord. Oh how I am already praying for her to use that determination for something good, something big.

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