I wonder how many times ( in the four hours that I have been home from work) I have said:
"Don't hit your sister."
"Stop touching your sister."
"No 'ugly talk,' Harper."
"Willa Kate, don't tell Mommy no, please."
"Stop bugging your sister!"
I am not sure one could count how many times those words were uttered in our house, in the car, in the parking lot, in the gym, in the store. I keep praying for the day that I will look over and they will be playing together nicely, basking in each other's company and eternally thanking me for giving them a sibling. Actually, I just hope to see a day when they can coexist peacefully in the same room! :) My sister Leah and I are so. close. (even with extra punctuation and bold lettering, "so close" is an understatement) that I just really, really want that for my girls.
I will never forget the day that I went to Greensboro to have an early elective ultrasound to determine the gender of our sweet second baby. Sam was at work, desperately hoping for a boy. And then there were Leah and I, chitchatting on our cell phones the whole way to the appointment, talking about how much we would explode with joy over a second iteration of "Flea & Fal" (our nicknames for each other). I'm sure at the time Sam probably hated our praying for a little set of sisters, but how could we not wish for the gift of a sister for Harper Mae when we know how much laughter and love sisterhood has brought to our own lives? (Mom, I hope you are reading this and feeling extremely appreciated for having two girls less than two years apart who have managed to be best friends despite the years of cat fighting, hair pulling, boy stealing, clothes negotiating (free and easy access ring a bell?), and our chief business of general parent annoying.)
So some days, I get little glimpses like this that melt my heart, and remind me that there is a little relationship there. And the only thing that will tie them together is the hand of God, the grace of God. So, that is one of my most fervent prayers for these precious children of mine-- to know the deep love and loyalty of family.
And then other days I just have to pray for bedtime. :)

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