It's Rachel's last day. (I'm wondering when I will be able to say that and not burst into tears!)
For 11 months, Rae has been our girls' 8-to-5 care provider and my "co-parent," as I jokingly started calling her since often times she would share in genuine excitement with me over one of the girls' new (and possibly insignificant) milestones, even more than Sam. :)
Harp and Wills love her, truly love her, and we have been big-time blessed to have had her for nearly a year. I can't count the number of times that I've talked to other moms or ladies in my work offices and they say, "What?! Your sister-in-law keeps your children? At your house? With no other kiddos?? You are so lucky!"
And we have been. We are. Lucky us! And now lucky Securitec Screenings, who will be getting a really hard worker with a really big heart.
Even though we are so, so sad to see Rachel "go," we are proud of her and happy for her. Bottom line. We will choose that, even though we still kind of want to cry. :) We know that her new employer is going to be thrilled with her, but what we pray for most of all is that she finds work that she enjoys doing and of which she feels proud. That is just good for any soul, and we want that for her.

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