In honor of finally being hot, the girls and I spent the afternoon at the pool. Sam left early this morning for a softball tournament in Blacksburg, and while I would have enjoyed going down there and spending the day as a family, I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to let my Little Fish swim. After five loads of laundry and a nap for Wills, we went over to the Roanoke Athletic Club for some sunshine.
How cute are these little mermaids??

Harper was so proud to show me her different tricks (as usual, humility is not her strong suit). She said with her little eyes sparkling, "Hey mom, don't look because I'm going to sneak up and scare you." Sorry, Harp, that's a bit of a spoiler. She did manage to sneak up on Willa Kate, though.

Today was out with my girls, and last night was out with the girlfriends. My sweet friend Jodi hosted a Craft Party, where we got to hang out together and make something cute. We had some yummy food and sat around the dining room table decorating our wooden wreaths. If anyone asks, I will be lying and saying that Harper helped decorate mine--looks like she nailed that turkey art! ;)

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