Well, Harper more than took the bait. She along with every other four year old girl is obsessed with big sister Elsa (which I don't totally understand since younger sister Anna seems to be more of the protagonist of the movie). Over the summer, I've learned to do an "Elsa braid" (don't try sneaking in two braids like Anna. She'll call you on it.). I know every song to the movie soundtrack, including the disc of extras that weren't even in the movie.
Well, last night at Target, we spot an Elsa costume, complete with sparkle lights and a button to push for it to play "Let It Go." I told Harper I would be willing to provide her with some chores to do at home to earn the dress, but we went ahead and put it in the cart since I don't end up at Target more than once a month (tragic, huh?).
As we are finishing up our shopping, Harper starts telling me that she wants blonde hair like Elsa (she bemoaned even more that baby sister got the blonde hair). She wants her eyes blue like Elsa's and her hands to be like Elsa's. Then she said, "I want to be Elsa."
Wow. It is such a hard thing to hear your child, whom you see as strikingly beautiful and full of potential, lament not being someone else even just from her little four year old perspective.
After a quick prayer for Wisdom, I told Harper that I'd never want her to be anyone but Harper Mae Fertitta because that's exactly who God designed her to be, and there will never be another. She is special and thoughtfully, wonderfully made. I hope she always knows that God built her to do big things. That she can do something even greater than freeze cities or build ice castles if she will surrender her will and life to Him. She has the spark within her. And I love her to pieces. I told her, "you already are my girl, filled with fire and ice."

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