It seems as though every day now, I look at you and think, "How can you already be nearing two?" And then ten minutes later, you'll do something so smart or funny, and Daddy and I give each other the "how did our not-even-two-year-old just do that?" look. You are so bright, and so much more verbal than sissy was at your age (sorry, Harp. It's true!). Your pediatrician suggested that you should be about to piece two words together by the age of two, but you've been doing that for six months. Now you often talk in sentences. My favorite is "mommy, I 'ove you."
We are starting to see bits of your independence and maybe a tad more spark. Maybe that's the terrible twos beginning, but maybe it's just seeing your best friend sister being such a spitfire.On occasion when I ask you to do something, you say "don't want to, Mommy." When you get reprimanded for disobeying, you will often to refuse to say you're sorry, but will be quick to say "hug!" or "I 'ove you." You know that deep sweetness of yours will have your stubbornness long forgotten.
You still love the movie Frozen, and are happy to sing along for the song. Because of that, we've decided to have you a Frozen themed birthday. Every day this week you've asked me "Elsa party day?" If Harper starts to sing along to Let It Go in the car, you immediately yell, "My song! My part!" Every. Single. Time. And when we get in the car to go somewhere, you begin to beg, "My buckle top one! My buckle bottom one!". You're determined to learn how to buckle yourself in like sister does. And now you often can.
Last night we went to the RAC and pretending to have a little pool party with you and sister and then ate at Macado's, as we did on your last birthday eve. Each of us in our little party of four took a turn to say a word we think describes you, and what we love about you most. You're tenderhearted, kind, innocent, loving. and polite. You're so quick to say "please, mommy. thank you, mommy." You just do not even have a mean bone in your body. Unless, of course, Harper starts singing your song!
We celebrate all that you are, Willa Kate, and the gift that you are to our family. I pray that you always have that gentle strength about you, that you continue to grow strong and healthy, and that you always feel known and loved. Cheers to all the adventures your second year brought, and to the many, many more that lie ahead!
Click HERE to see how we celebrated with Willa Kate's Frozen birthday party.

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