With my girls, Mother's Day 2015 |
After my 100% by myself 24 hours, I was refreshed and ready to receive my tight neck hugs and slobbery Mother's Day kisses. Our Sunday began a little differently than usual because instead of attending our church FCC, we went to the Fertittas' church Green Ridge Baptist to see baby Alston be dedicated by Corrie and Jeremy. It was great seeing how many young families were there standing together, committed to instill faith and love in the children they've been blessed with. I'm so proud of Corrie and Jeremy for making that covenant. It seems so hard to believe that we stood in that very spot on this very day four years ago to offer up our sweet "instrument of Praise" Harper Mae.
Pastor Greg, who is now the lead pastor at GRBC and who married us nearly nine years ago, gave an unconventional but oh-so-appreciated Mother's Day message titled, "Handle with Care." He spoke to the mothers who have lost, who are mourning, who are grieving on this day. What a blessing to hear him acknowledge the ache of those who are struggling with infertility, who are mourning miscarriage, who ache because all their children aren't here on earth to squeeze in the pew beside them. There's nothing more precious he could say than to offer hope to those who may not feel like celebrating on Mother's Day. The words were a beautiful reflection of His compassion.
Like many of our family holidays, we ended up at the Salem House Restaurant for lunch after the service. Not many places can handle a group of fourteen!

You are right dear sometimes it is difficult to handle group of fourteen and I have also experienced that but considering my past party experiences I have decided to hire best space Miami events and hope they will serve us well.