Remember that one time we did a party, invited 40 people, and only had 15 minutes to set up? And the guests had to help hang the banners? Remember when we didn't even have time to cut the cake before our hour in the party room was up and our friends pitched in and helped us clean up in record time so we could vacate before the next scheduled party?
While those may be the cringe-worthy moments of Harper's fifth birthday party that are etched in mama's mind, I am so grateful that all "Harper the Mermaid" knows is that she got to eat pizza, chase friends, and swim until "her fingers crinkled." Dream party in her book.
Harper has had a more laid back birthday the last two years, but I wanted to do a little something more for her big 5th birthday. She said she wanted to invite all her friends from school, so that automatically eliminated anything at our house. She adores swimming and the water and religiously watches The Little Mermaid, so it just made sense for her to have a pool party. That, and this year, she's self sufficient in the water which means no bathing suit for mama! I'm no idiot. ;) I am, however, a bit of a procrastinor, so when I called three weeks before her birthday, the only available weekend option was a Friday evening, so Friday the 15th it was.
My geographically closest family member is 4+ hours away, so realistically, I didn't plan on any of them being able to attend. Especially when I added the extra hurdle of it being on a Friday night. But, sure enough, up from South Carolina comes my sweet dad. You couldn't keep him away from Harper Mae Titta. When I asked what she wanted for her birthday, she told me that she wanted Papaw to go down the slide first for her birthday party. (Way to escape that one, Dad!) He drove four hours to spend a little time with us pre-party and help us get things set up, then celebrated with us during the party hour, and had to leave during swim (I must get my good timing from you) because he needed to be in Ohio-- another 6 hours away-- for the weekend. I tell you, Papaw and Harper are like two peas in their little animal-loving, Type A pod. :) It is so sweet to see their special connection and it meant so much to all of us that he made such an effort to be there for no other reason than it was important to Harper. What a precious gift. And I sure loved being able to hug him, too.

Now all along, I thought I had been playing it safe with a pool party. It is scheduled by the Rec Center, it's indoor, I don't have to provide entertainment. It's fool proof, right? Well, not so much. We learned on Harper's actual birthday that even indoor pools close if there is a thunderstorm. No worries, all day Friday was sunny and warm. Until we began to pack up to head over to the rec center to begin setting up (aka 30 minutes before the party). It began to pour. Like, monsoon weather. And then sure enough, lightning. I kind of wanted to cry, and I wasn't even the five-year-old. As we made mad dashes back and forth to the car to load it with decorations and food, I began to talk to Harper about what it would mean if it were thundering or lightning when we got there. It could mean she would have to wait for another day to celebrate with her friends. And she said, "Well, I'm just gonna ask God to move it." Oh, sweet faith of a child. So, we whispered, yelled, and sang some prayers headed up 581 in the pouring rain, watching the lightning bolts hit. But, as soon as we passed the exit before our destination, the clouds lifted and the sun was shining. When we pulled up to the Green Ridge center, the receptionist said, "Perfect timing. We had to clear the pool because of thunderstorms, but the 30 minutes just ended, so we are letting folks back in." Are you kidding me? It is one of the most amazing things to get a glimpse of your little child, who is beginning to learn about the character of her Creator, see His faithfulness in answering her prayer. I got a little teary-eyed and thanked Him for that gift. That gift of good weather and the gift of letting her see His care in the details of her life.
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Hooray! The sun is out! |

We ate some food, ripped through some presents, and quickly sang "happy birthday" before letting the kids loose into the pool area. I was busy trying to abruptly transition out of the party room and into the pool area, so some folks offered to change Willa into her bathing suit. I explained where it was, but after about ten minutes of looking, they came back and said they couldn't find it. I assumed that in the craziness of getting out the door in the pouring rain, I had managed to leave her bathing suit at home (I felt better about myself when I did indeed find it as I was unpacking our things from the party; it had just gotten buried). Our sweet friend and super mom Maria happened to have an extra bathing suit. Only problem? It was an extra for her 3 year old son. So, Willa Kate just got to be baby Will for the evening. Meet my sweet little blonde-headed surfer boy! :)
As rushed as the party time was, the pool time was quite the opposite. The rec center allowed everyone to stay much past the advertised hour of pool time. Try more like 2.5 hours of pool time. One of my favorite memories from the party was Harper going down the slide, but mostly because of what she had to do to conquer it. She was not barely tall enough (thanks lenient lifeguard!) to go down the slide, but in addition to that, she was required to pass a swim test. She had to swim the length of the pool without touching the bottom or sides. As soon as they told her that, she basically said forget it. But, her encouraging big cousin Samantha and I convinced her she could, or that she could at least give it a shot. I cannot tell the amount of pride that welled up in me seeing that girl's determination. She did it. She passed her swim test (and guaranteed herself a good night's rest) by swimming the length of the pool. And sweet girl did all that just to go down the slide once before she wanted to rejoin the rest of her friends. As she walked beside me to go back to the shallow end, she turned and looked at me and said, "Mom. I can't even believe this is my party." How precious that it was literally unbelievable for her to have so many friends and family that love her and want to celebrate her.
Some of the swimmerss |
We had plenty of food left over and some little ladies that were still hungry because of their rushed dinner, so we took the party over to Mimi and Poppy's who live just a mile or two from the rec center. Two hours later, we finally managed to get on the road back home. The afterparty was just too much fun!
Finally out of the pool! |
These parties are always taxing on me, no matter how "simple" they're supposed to be and no matter how much I love putting them together. But, for my outgoing, wants-to-be-mayor firstborn, they fill her love tank and reinforce to her that she is special, celebrated. And she is. So every late night assembling cupcake toppers and favor sand pails is worth it because she is the one who is unbelievable.
For snippets of her actual birthday, click here.

Nice post!
ReplyDeleteWell, ain’t that pretty? You got yourselves a nice lead time to give Harper a great birthday, and you went all the way for it. A mermaid theme couldn't have been more perfect for a pool party. And with a really impressive pool for all the family and friends, things could not have gone better than that! It might’ve been very taxing to organize, but I’m sure everyone appreciated your efforts, most importantly Harper. Cheers!
ReplyDeleteStella Hammond @ Palm City Pools
Your daughter is really adorable dear and I am glad that you shared about her here. I am planning a small party at best venue New York and will try some of your party planning ideas to that party. Anyway, can you tell me from where you got all this decoration stuff?
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