Happy Third, Fourth, and Fifth of July! :)
I just love the Independence Day weekend because it means a warm, long weekend with my little ladies. To kick off our time together, Harper helped me make some star spangled omelets for breakfast.
Unfortunately, it was rainy, so we decided to go over to Mommytime for some indoor play fun. But, before you can have indoor play time, I guess you have to have outdoor play time, so we grabbed our rain boots and played outside in the rain for a bit.
Corrie and Jeremy were sweet enough to invite us over for a cookout on July 4th. We grilled some food, let the kiddos play in the backyard, and then went down to Lakeside to watch the fireworks.
And on Sunday, I snuck in one more date with my big girl, taking her to Bounce Roanoke for their "indoor fireworks" playtime.

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