While I was getting ready, she saw some of my earrings lying on the counter and started playing with them. Then she told me, "I want 'ee's in 'illa Tate's ears, pease. Pink ones!"
Now, maybe I'm mean, but we never told her it may will hurt. I know my kiddos. She's much more reserved and telling her that discomfort is involved would only serve to make her a nervous wreck. She's not my look-the-bull-in-the-eyes child.
But boy is she my easy one. Walking in to the mall, she's just jabbering away with excitement. I carried her for a little while but eventually put her down because I was afraid I would transfer all my nervous energy to her!

Willa Kate hopped up in the chair and waited patiently as they cleaned her ears and placed the purple dots on her lobes with markers. And then she waited patiently as they redid that step exactly five times. She's still sleepy from a big day at the ball fields yesterday, so I think she found them rubbing her ears to be relaxing. Ha! Either way, Princess must have the straightest ear holes you've ever seen.
I'm thankful we were able to commission another lady to help out, so that both ears could be pierced at the same time. She sat so still and held her bear like such a big girl, while we waited with a giant green sucker, already unwrapped and ready to pop into her soon-to-be-gaping mouth.
Sweet girl did cry. But, only for two minutes. As soon as Daddy scooped her up and she got to see her earrings, she was so proud. Like can't wait to tell her big sissy proud. Like listening to every word as they said for her to let us clean them and her not to touch them proud. It is such as amazing thing to see the satisfaction in your kid's face when they know they've been brave and achieved a goal. That, Willa Kate. That's life's good stuff.

We have ooooo-ed and aahhhhhh-ed over her all afternoon, and she is just smitten with them. She can't wait to show big sissy, and has told us at every opportunity that she "just wuvs her new ee's!"
I'm so glad you've gotten to feel like our treasured little princess today, Willa Kate. Every single time I get to soak you up without big sissy around, I am amazed. I will never get tired of learning about this big-hearted baby of ours. I'm just not sure if this mama heart of mine is going to be able to handle looking over at that little blonde with pearls in her ears. It's just too much sweetness to stand.

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