After a crazy busy weekend (baby showers, overnight guests, Upward basketball, Valentine's Day), it was incredibly nice to get a SNOW DAY on Monday!
I was out at my storage unit on Sunday evening, preparing my car for the work week ahead, and it started snowing. And I don't think it stopped until Monday at noon. They were calling for around 4 inches, and we ended up with 8. When we came home to snow from our cruise a few weeks ago, the girls had a great time playing in the snow because we had about twelve inches still on the ground even though it was quickly melting because it was 45 out. This snow storm? Ten degrees.
Harper begged and begged to go outside, so finally I just bundled her up and told her to go ahead. I knew she'd freeze her little hiney off and be begging to come back inside quickly, but with her, you just have to let her see it for herself. And I'll give her her credit-- she stayed out for about twenty minutes which was eighteen minutes longer than I was betting. :)
What I thought was going to be a snow day actually became snow dayS because we got a horrible ice storm on Monday night-Tuesday morning. I woke up around 3 a.m. to what sounded like gun shots in our driveway, but it was actually the sound of trees snapping. Ugh. We are incredibly blessed that no trees fell on our house (the entire ridge behind our house is lined with tall pines), especially since several trees on both our neighbors properties fell down. I actually watched one of them fall across our neighbors John and Wanda's driveway.
Unfortunately our power lines weren't as lucky as our home. A tree fell on the line toward the beginning of Back Creek Road, and our power was out from 3 a.m. on Tuesday morning until 6 p.m. on Wednesday. Blah. Snow days aren't as much fun when you don't have power! It makes it difficult to work from home as well, so eventually in the afternoon after things thawed out, we went to the gym to shower and charge our electronics.
It was nice to have those snow days, but I am beyond ready for Spring. I like snow for Christmas, and that's about it, so bring back my 70 degree day winter!

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