Valentine's Day isn't quite as glamorous as it used to be. Who am I kidding, Valentine's Day has never been a big deal in our book. Since we've been married, Sam and I have done the "no presents" policy for all holidays and birthdays, which means Valentine's Day is usually just celebrated with a dinner out. Which we do a couple times a week anyway. So, actually, it has become more fun now that my Little Loves are around to celebrate the day of love with.
Roanoke County schools have three big parties a year-- Halloween, Winter (Christmas), and Valentine's Day, so this is the last big effort required of the homeroom moms. Isn't that so hard to believe? It was the last holiday party for Harper in Kindergarten. Gracious, it's gone quickly.
I got to pop in over at Clearbrook for Harper's party. Walking into her class never gets old. You're literally like a celebrity. "Harper's Mom!!!" followed by big hugs from Harper's close friends and a couple of the more outgoing kiddos in the class. It was fun getting to celebrate with them as they glued conversation hearts in the shape of the word "love," and played Cupid as they shot "arrows" (aka q-tips) out of straws at their targets.
Harper has been obsessed with Shopkins lately, and apparently her friends really like them, too. So, she decided she wanted to do Shopkins Valentine's for her girl classmates (and included a Shopkin figurine in their candy bag), and the boys got a little Dinosaur in theirs. Willa picked some straight-out-of-the-Target shelf Palace Pet scratch off Valentine's cards. Bless her heart. Always the easy one.
And speaking of easy, I went the easy route for the girls' little Valentine's gifts from us. It's called Etsy. In five minutes, I had two custom candy/hairbow bouquets headed our way, for $12 each. Cheaper than I could've made them. Harper was super pumped with her Shopkins themed bouquet, and Willa Kate loved getting a Skye bow from Paw Patrol.
Like I said earlier, Sam and I don't really celebrate. We've been busy all week preparing to host a baby shower and houseguests, so I hadn't given Valentine's Day much thought. On Thursday, when I ran in Sam's for some groceries for the shower, I came out and mentioned they had some really nice bouquets with sunflowers, but my hands were full and I didn't want to get a cart. My sweet Sam had two bouquets, one of nothing but sunflowers, waiting for me when I got home from work on Friday, and two cute little stuffed animals for the girls. He's not often romantic, but that was super thoughtful, and I love having fresh flowers around the house when we have guests. Win, win.
Mimi and MarMar gave the girls some Valentine's money, which they've been super excited about. MarMar included a little lesson about money that Harper may have since told everyone that would listen. "With your first dollar, you give it to God..."
I love this picture that Harper randomly took but it's real life. It's loading the dishwasher on a Saturday morning, fueling my day with some Diet Pepsi and soaking in some love for my baby girl. Sweet, every day love.
We love because He first loved us.
1 John 4:19

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