Anyway, we haven't done an organized sport situation since. But, Harper has been joining Sam at his pick up basketball practices, and seems to really like dribbling and passing around. So, when she came back one evening and showed me her dribbling skills, I thought, Hmmm....I wonder if she's old enough to play on a basketball team. I found out that Roanoke County leagues don't start until age 7, but then I came across Upward. I've heard of Upward and knew the premise, so when I saw that the deadline to sign up was literally that night, I figured it was a sign, and that I should sign her up.
So, within a few days, I got an email about the "tryout" (a.k.a., let's make sure all the good kids aren't on the same team), and that may be where I realized it probably wasn't a sign. Haha. She seemed so good dribbling in the living room. Shooting on a real (8 foot) basket-- not so much. But, she really liked it and was excited about the upcoming season, so Upward Basketball it is!
Harper was placed on the Bears with Coach Travis and Coach Jimmy. Let me just say that those men have a crown in Heaven for their efforts with this group of ten kindergarteners and first graders (8 boys and two girls). At that first game, it was nothing short of hilarity. It was like herding cats. Maybe part of me was appreciative that Harper wasn't the only completely unfocused child of the bunch, and I did actually laugh out loud when the Coach told the kids to go back on defense and one of the boys got down in a three point stance (as in football defense). It's cute and funny and crowded in that gym, but she's liking it and we haven't had to do a walk of shame yet, so that has gotta be a good sign.
Sam's family has been able to come to a few games, and so far, my favorite memory from her games has been her stopping right in the middle of the game to run off the court and give Mimi a hug and kiss! Usually her easily distractedness drives me crazy, but that was just precious.

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