I have absolutely adored the age five and all the fun new ways you've grown over the last year. I was so overwhelmed by the thought of you starting school, but it has been so great for you and for our family. Even though we are to the last month of school, you've never once woke up and said you don't want to go. I love Mrs. Campbell for that. But, most of all, I love that you are learning, challenging yourself, and getting to explore. You have this little life that is separate from our family, and that is terrifying and fascinating all in the same beat.
You still vie to be commander in chief, but we are working on your being a kind leader versus a bossy pants. When you embrace that, you are such a help to me with Sister. It's unbelievable and encouraging, the love you two have for each other. I get so excited because of how close Leah and I are, seeing that you and Wills may also share that special bond. But, oh, the extraordinary fighting. Gracious, there are days where you two would argue over absolutely anything. And you do. And then mom gets a little crazy, and you go back to being best friends.
You've learned to read over the last two months, and it is glorious. You are so smart when you're interested in something. (And have the attention span of a gnat if you're not.) You made all S's in school this year in your academic work, and it "blows our minds!" <-- your favorite expression of ours.
We are so, so proud of you. Sweet little darling that made me a mama, I love your bravery and courage, your curiosity and wit, your warmth and even occasionally your drama. You are black and white and literal and logical, and oh so fun. Being your mom has been the most humbling experience of my life, as often all that strong will and determination turn into defiance. You make my eyes go wide at least once a day from your antics, but I'm sorry, child, you've met your stubborn match.
I already pray for this big life you have. It may be trapped in a little body right now, but I know that one day you're going to burst out and do big things. I hope I give you all the tools and the guidance you need to realize that. I love you to tears, Harper Mae. To literal tears. You are special, and important, and mine, and that makes me ever so grateful.
What is your favorite thing to do? Play with my family
Do you have a nickname? Poonie
What do you want to be when you grow up? A teacher. And I want to marry somebody, even though my dad says not to be in love with another boy.
What is your favorite thing to do with your family? Play outside and hug all over them.
Who are your best friends? Mommy, Cohen, Mya, Ella, Daddy, Willa, and Sydney.
What makes you happy? When I get kisses
What do you like to learn about? Jesus
What makes you sad? When I get in trouble for making bad choices
What do you do really well? Clean up my room
If you had a million dollars, what would you buy? Shopkins and Valentine's cards for my family. And one pair of Shopkins for Wills.
If you could go anywhere, where would it be? MarMar's. And Mexico.
If you could have one wish, what would it be? Kissing my whole family.
What was your favorite birthday present? Getting makeup on.
My Favorites
Food: Broccoli
Holiday: Friday, and my birthday.
Book: Bear
Toy: Shopkins and my American Doll
Treat: Candy
Song: This Little Light of Mine
Animal: Seahorse

Love all your writings, but Harper Mae's post takes the cake. The extra bonus for me is you're both mine!
ReplyDeleteLove all your writings, but Harper Mae's post takes the cake. The extra bonus for me is you're both mine!